VANC uses its Scholarship Program to communicate to our North County high school students the value and importance of veterans to our Nation. Each year we try to inspire high school seniors to apply for these scholarships. This involves the principals, counselors and parents of the students as well as the students themselves. This involvement helps to spread the word about what VANC is and what it does to help our military members and veterans adjust and contribute to civilian life on the basis of the great contributions they have made when in the service to our Country.
2018/2019 school year award recipients

1st Place: Caeden Schlosser – $1,000
2nd Place: Kaitlyn Callagher – $750
3rd Place: Jenny Tucker – $500
2017 award recipients

1st Place: Jacob Toney [absent], Rancho Buena Vista High School – $1,000
2nd Place: Mary Ford, San Dieguito Academy – $750
3rd Place: Alexis Alvillar, Mission Vista High School – $500
2016 award recipients

1st Place: Carisa Hilton, Mission Hills HS – $1,000
2nd Place: Will Fox, LaCosta Canyon HS – $750
3rd Place: Selina Flores, Rancho Buena Vista HS – $500
2015 award recipients
1st Place tie: Andrew Moynihan, Rancho Buena Vista HS – $1,000
1st Place tie: Kelden Smith, Escondido HS – $1,000
3rd Place: Britton Gaul, Tri-City Christian School – $500
4th Place: Connor Head, Valley Center HS – $500
2014 award recipients
Grand Prize: $1,000 to Sarah Grace Corr from Escondido Union HS Scholarship Winning Essay 2014
1st Runner-up: $500 to Amy Watkins from Escondido Union HS
2nd Runner-up: $250 to Isaac Dixon IV from Oceanside HS